This is the Crib Wars board. The right hand side is a standard crib board, and has the skunk and double skunk lines marked. So in a pinch, you can play a regular game of crib on the Crib Wars board if you want to.
As you can see, the path for a regular Crib Wars game is a lot longer (336 holes) than a regular crib game, but there are several traps and helpful shortcuts around the board which complicate the game and make it much less straightforward than just "get as many points as possible".
This adds a fair bit of strategic depth to the game.
Oh, and before I forget, a game of Crib Wars can last much longer than a regular Crib game. Maybe a couple of hours, even. The rules state that once you start the game, you're not allowed to quit. You're not out of the game until it's over!