So, I asked DriverGuy how you eat one of these things. And he said that traditionally, with your mouth. He's a bit of a smartass sometimes.
So, in the traditional fashion, we cut this in half lengthwise (I think that's what we did, I can't see the picture as I write this, so it very well could have been widthwise, which would be embarrasing for me. Suffice to say that perhaps part of what makes this fruit weird is that it might be wider than it is long.. how's that?).
As you can see, the innards look like what a kiwi would look like, if the inside of a kiwi was white, and if the seeds were all over everywhere instead of in little rings. So, practically a kiwi then!
Turns out that the fruit peels away from the skin pretty easily after you've cut it like this. Sort of reminded me of a kiwi actually (in taste, that is), very mild. Another strange fruit conquered!