The thought occured, as I was sitting around eating the worlds most amazing
salami sandwich and watching some weird movie about the IRA starring Liam
Neeson, that Niagra Falls, Canada and Niagra Falls, New York, are actually
geographically adjacent. Wouldn't it be an exciting thing if we crossed the
border and did something exciting in New York? (For the record, this occured
on the second trip. Something so mind numbingly cool didn't occur to
either of us the first time around).
Still, what to do in New York? After a fairly lengthy investigation, which I
will not bore you with, we decided (I shit you not) to go to an Outlet Mall.
If you're not familiar with the concept of an Outlet Mall, just imagine a
mall where all the stores are factory outlets (i.e. warehouses). Again,
this seemed like a good idea at the time.
So, we hopped in the car, crossed the rainbow bridge (which appears in
this narrative shortly), and entered New York State. For those of you
that have never been there, imagine any other city, except the roads are
made of giant washboards instead of smooth concrete or asphalt.
Seriously, I think the #1 industry in New York is either building machines
that made the road bumpy as hell, or fixing suspensions. Of course, I didn't
know this at the time. So the fact that this picture I took because it had a
sign that said "Welcome to New York" just happens to have a bunch of road
fixing equipment on it (a road which is, by the way, actually a good example
of the best roads there) is quite amazingly ironic.