Here is a close up of the beginning of the timeline. The first card is a Linchpin in which Abraham lincoln gets assasinated. The next card is a Ripple Point in which Andrew Johnson gets impeached.
Lets note here that each card is labelled to tell you what kind of card that it is.
The Linchpin card lists the years that will change if this event is changed. Here, they are 1868 and 1974. It also lists the actual date at which this event occured. Each linchpin has a unique icon on it. The icon for the Lincoln Assassination linchpin is a stovepipe hat. It's black, to indicate that this is "real" history.
The Ripple Point card to the right has similar features to the Linchpin card. It tells you what event has to take place for this card to become a Paradox. In this case, the card that represents the Lincoln Hat, has to be turned to red.
Let's pretend that we do something to stop the assassination of President Lincoln.