This would be where the electrical equipment gets it's juice from. This is where
the hobby starts to get ridiculous. Those battery packs cost something like 25
dollars apiece, and fully charged, will power the car for approximately 5
The charging apparatus, which you can tell is complex because it has a timer
dial on it just like your dryer, which is also very expensive, puts electricity
into the batteries, taking 20 minutes to do so.
One could therefore conclude that at least 5 battery packs would be required, so
that you could continuously drive the car while having a battery in the charger.
However, the cost of battery packs (and these are cheap crappy ones) makes this
somewhat prohibitive.
Also, hardcore R/C racers would never think of using the same battery pack twice
in the same day, lest lightning strike them upon the cranium. This is just one
of the many things that makes this such a cool hobby.