So, this is what's inside an R/C car kit, except for the body, wheels,
chassis and instructions, which for some reason, didn't make it into the picture. You will notice
that they give you the big fancy foam bumper (the better for crashing), and even
some lame plastic tools, so that you can mung your fingers up tryig to put it
The guy at the hobby shop tried to talk me out of this particular kit, because
it's so expensive (since you have to buy all the stuff I had to buy to get it
to work). You can get prebuilt ones that come with everything for cheaper.
But really, where's the fun in THAT?
By the way, I counted all the little plastic parts and screws and stuff. There
were exactly 9,192 of them, not counting screws and individual ball bearings.
Note: I was kidding.