This set of pictures, I took with a borrowed Mavica digital camera the christmas
of 2001. It's all about my new found hobby, R/C.
As the folk tales go, I was unhappy that all my hobbies were only computer
related. So I went looking for some other hobby that wasn't. Of course, there
are a lot of them. But most of them are boring (collecting things) or otherwise
After some conversations with CoWorkerGuy, I came to the conclusion that for
a hobby to be any good, it has to be both interesting, AND hideously expensive.
I thought long and hard, (hehe, I said long and hard), and eventually decided that
R/C stuff was cool AND hideously expensive.
And so, a new hobby was born.
- Stuff you need to get started
- Radio Equipment
- Power Generation
- The little motor that could
- Teeny parts galore
- It's almost car-like
- Stealth Car
- Almost ready to paint
- The body, she is painted
- It's a car!
- Test drive